Best part is you'll never end up on Maury waiting for the results of a paternity test!
The nightmare is beginning
Grey Skies
Joined on 8/6/08
Best part is you'll never end up on Maury waiting for the results of a paternity test!
the only way to fuck a ghost is, to see it..... then do it.... then live it..... then fuck the living shit out of it...
come on, thats not the ONLY way
I swear to God it was an accident. I mean sure, I didn't complain, but why would I?
a "happy accident"
That ghost better get an a-boo-tion after I'm done with it.
yeah we cant have any of this undead miscegenation business going on around here
I posed this same question with Mermaids.
I figure it be allot like Futurama.
I've always wondered which side of the tail you'd have to go at
Less of a question and more of a challenge.
I agree
It depends...After the booty call, would I get some kind of paranormal STD, and/or would I be it's "unfinished business" and would hang around me for the rest of my life and haunt me until I die and become a ghost?
Yuyuko would most likely eat your dick.
Wouldn't that basically be like humping the air...I mean if your going for pointless humping, might as well use something you would feel lol
airsexshow lol
What do you think the ghostbusters do with all the leftover ghosts, give them eternal peace?
Well today I found out you are right, And I also discovered....Ghosts don't stop calling you :(
I think ODB had some raps about that
Ghosts also have strange fetishes.
The real question is, can a ghost smuggle cocaine through the border of Mexico? If so, we have a 3 part plan, 1. Catch a ghost, 2. Catch a ghost, 3. Profit.
When I make the song, you want me to credit sexuallobster instead of you? Hell, I'll see if I can get him to sing it. He has a better bored voice than me.
wtf are you on about
The ghost song! Also, Shadman says you can indeed fuck a ghost. I consider this as scientific evidence and proof :l
Nope you can't...we have ghosts here and they are not fuckable....
your standards are just too high
Cool, I can do it too. In the afterlife realm.
Jepordy: having intercorse with something you can't see.
Person one: what is fantisizing?
Person two: What is invisa-boneing?
Person three: what is ghost fucking?
Jepordy: get a life
And correct
Person two: DAMMIT *smashes pedistal, gets blisters and wallows in pain*
Jepordy: -_- dumb ass....