I finally managed to submit a short flash amidst all the other things I've had going on... based on a story that a professor of mine told me once about an infant that was deliberately deprived of human contact, and resultingly developed a language to communicate with the construction cranes he/she saw through the room's only window. Fairly heavy content, I suppose, and I had originally had a more grandiose plan in mind, but I had to cull things to be simpler and simpler as I worked on it.
I managed to pull off a lot of little tricks here and there that I thought worked out nicely, though overall The whole thing ended up fairly short, and the tricks in question were so filter-intensive that I had no choice but to render the whole thing as video. Really I'd have made it a lot longer but I've already got a 6-minute animation in the works and I really need to keep focused if that one's ever going to get done. I'll write a more detailed explanation on my personal site later, probably when I'm not trying to study for an exam or something. Ahem!
It ended up taking about 5 days, on the 6th day I did the foley and on the 7th day I rested. And by rested, I of course mean wrestled with video formatting issues and data size.
THAT'S MY STORY for now, bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbp
ur work is stunning! i cant wait to see ur full project! (holla at me if u ever wanna work on sum shit together!-or sumthin)
Thanks! And I surely will, sir, I've been wanting to collaborate a lot more but I have a few super nagging things that I need to finish up first, aaaaiiiaaaggghh