The nightmare is beginning


Grey Skies

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New Cartoon~! WHOA. Also, Pico day?

Posted by redminus - February 15th, 2011

HEY GUYS well I finally finished something I've been working on for a while now... I started a Flash in October that had meant to get it done for the Hallowe'en contest, but in hindsight I have NO idea why I thought it would only take me about 3 weeks.

Oddly enough it could almost have worked for Valentines day?



Anways there's probably a lot I could say about it but I'm kind of burned out from grinding super hard the past few weeks to get past the finish line so I'll just leave until people have a chance to actually see it, heh. There were a lot of images and music that I only used for a second that I might post to the art and audio portal later on too if people want to use them or check them out. Hey why not right?!

Thanks a million to Tom Fulp for raising my upload limit to accomodate what ended up being a HUGE file (in flash terms anyways) and giving me some awesome advice on a few last-minute decisions.... HUGELY appreciated.

OH ALSO super apologies to the few people I've inadvertently left hanging on my collab commitments :((( You know who you are but I'll get my shit together and try to make it up to you stat.

AND OH YEAH PICO DAY is coming up, what's everyone doing for that? I always want to get in on it but never have the time, anyone collabbing?

here's a screenshot, okay bye now

New Cartoon~! WHOA.  Also, Pico day?


i was hoping someone was putting something together for pico day also...i wont have time to do a full blown thing-maybe we get a couple guys and do somthin (i had kinda a cool idea)

Yeah I was king of picturing something like that would be the way to go? I'll have that VO for you tomorrow if you still need it? Sorry mang :(

loved it friken funny

Great stuff! Looking forwards to whatever you decide to make next!

Man, you've got some skill. If I had heard about you before this, I probably would have contacted you about being the artist for one of my games. Well, theres always the future.


Erg, hate it when I leave posts in the wrong profile x(

Yeah me too, it's just weird and random o_0

why they do not have the Redminus lip ?

I dunno where it is! If you find it let me know, I can't remember where I put it :(

A lot you could say... but don't.

Your work says, oh so much...

Dear god your'e talented.

aww jeez, YOU'RE TOO KIND!
Looking forward to the next time we work together, RP

Was really good looking, nice work.

Also, super meat boy shirt, nice choice.

haha, thanks, and yeah damn that game is awsome!

Your drawings are fantastic in this, while the animating could use more in-betweens, I especially like your line work...Was this drawn in Flash or Toon Boom, and if Flash, how do you get your brush strokes so clean without the typical Flash blotchyness? Do you zoom in at 400% or something?

Ahhh thanks, it was all in Flash and yeah I zoom in to 400% most of the time, sometimes more... I also tend to size down my characters after everything is done too, and then at the end I output a file that's of slightly smaller dimensions than the file I was working in. In this case I downsized from 900 x 450 to 800 x 400, which is slight but made a diff for sure.

Nice tweens. Like, really nice tweens, seriously. Even if they can't match fbf.

Going up as number 1 on my favs for some reason.

In my opinion, artists shouldn't worry about deadlines and special dates and just do what their hearts desire. You hear me? MAKE ALL THE TENTACLE RAPE YOU WANT.

Aahh yeah, I felt funny about the tweening at first because I try to FBF stuff when I can, but I originally thought I was on a tighter deadline than I ended up being so I tried to devise a faster system. Overall I was happy with it how the tween models worked but I think im gonna try to stick to FBF stuff in the future.... I usually use a combo anyways.

Thanks a lot, though!

its perfect for V-day ..

i love happy endings <3

really refreshing piece, looking forward to more of your work. Congrats and continued success to you

hey jeez thanks Luis!

Wow your ending images were on Rule 34 in less than 24 hours!

haha really WTF?? I knew I should've watermarked them. Link??

Wow, animation was really impressive. I was just wondering, was this all Flash + Photoshop? Or was it Flash + After Effects.

Couldn't tell D:

And you should upload HD video version (On YT or something) if you can.

OHAI yeah it was Flash with some backgrounds that I did mainly in Corel Painter. I used Photoshop for layer effects and resizes but that's it, after that I just used Vegas to comp it. I like to use flash as much as possible before I turn to other software to fill in the gaps because I really feel like Flash can do anything you want it to, as long as you have a plan....

and yeaaahhhh if circumstances allow, there'll be a youtube version at some point soon. I'm glad you liked it though, the support has been CRAZY UNREAL so far

Here you go <a href="http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Redminus/1">http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Re dminus/1</a>
You should really make an animation showing what happened, PLEASE :D

hahahaha, that is crazy weird man. Who draw the b00bz on there!? I draw b00bz better than that -____-

Then show us!?

High hopes for an A-rated version of the ending... :]

Great work! It was really worth the time you put into this :)

Loved Wilhem Park! Though it didn't really make sense - why, exactly, did the female lead fall in love with the tentacle monster?

I watched that video, it's by far the best thing I have ever seen on Newgrounds. I still can't believe the ammount of detail you put into that. Never before have I seen one with a left/right sound differentiation. You did absolutely amazing.

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