I want to do both TOFA (kind of) and Pico Day (for once), but since they're both this month (um, am I right?) and I'm slow as hell to do basically anything, I know that I'll only have time for one. I think it's gonna be Pico Day. Just putting that one out there unless anyone has anything to say that will get me AMPED FOR TOFAAAAA OMMMFGGGGGGGG Yeah who knows.
We made a MvC3 short! I actually started it the day after I saw all the staff ones but I got distracted with other stuff. But anyways HERE IT IS!!!!11one.
This was the first time I've actually submitted a Flash that was FLASH and not just a container for a rendered video. BABY STEPS OKAY!? I got a lot of practice gabbing though so it was totally worth it. I also recorded my own loop version of Dante's theme for some reason because THATS THE KIND OF GUY I AM or something.
Later on I'm gonna post a bunch of Wilhelm Park related materials (like the backgrounds and maybe some breakdowns and stuff) to the Art Portal... a lot of people have been asking me about the bus or commenting on it, and I wish I'd had time to answer about it earlier or whatever, but yeah it was all done in flash, no swift or anything.... I kind of want to write a tutorial on how to do that kind of 3D stuff in Flash, but I suck at writing stuff like that and there are probably better ways than the way I do it anyways. Hurr hurr.
TL;DR- yeah, the bus in Wilhelm Park was done completely in Flash... all 30-some-odd layers worth. BLEGH.
In totally unrelated news I thought the visuals, tones and effects in James Lee's Purged were really awesome. I'd link to it but it's on the front page, FFS.
Here's a picture that pretty much sums up the MvC3 Flash, if you didn't feel like watching it (yeah but go watch it though):
You should do Pico Day! You'll have a super fun time, OK?
...What's TOFA?
Tournament Of Flash Artists? It's a multi-tiered competition that they're hostong on NG this year, Zeurel won it last year. I think it's legit but the prizes are things like Adobe software that I already own :/ So yeah I dunno, I think I might stick with Pico Day, though I may attempt both if it doesn't become a TOTAL STRESS FEST