The nightmare is beginning


Grey Skies

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Posted by redminus - May 4th, 2011

Okay so PICO DAY WAS FUCKING GREAT AND THERE WAS A LOT OF STUFF THAT I REALLY LIKED and it also made me realize how amusing Golfinho is, I LOLLED, I CRIED (I didn't cry).
But okay seriously though, here's the thing. I totally meant to do a Pico Day bit, but (as is often the case) I started working moar and moar on it and worrying about all kinds of details and crap, and the next thing I knew I had a production that was just complicated enough that there was no way for me to be able to push it through, even a few days late. SO RATHER THAN RUSH IT, I decided to hold off and save it. I'm still going to go through with it sooner rather than later (I'm not going to hold onto it until next year, or anything like that... at least I don't plan to) but I'm going to take some more time and not cut any corners. I was trying out sort of an ani-comic format... which I've always wanted to do, but has a bit more of a learning curve than I had anticipated.

Check this out though, I think it's a great example of how the ani-comic genre can really work, even for action sequences.

...DON'T YOU?!

ALSO: I was wondering awhile back whether to do Pico Day or TOFA, feeling that I'd only had time for one. I had started to think more recently that I would have time for both... and now I realize how silly that was, because after balancing some priorities I have time for neither. BAABAAWWWWW rite. Good luck to everyone who enters though, I'll be cheering from the sidelines so MAKE SOME COOL SHIT AND DON'T DISAPPOINT ME or something, blah blah blah blah.

On a bit of an upnote (maybe?) I am TOTALLY COMMITTED TO THE NEXT MOVIE JAM so when is it anyways huh?!?! No, really though.

I'm going to be reviving a short thing that I had started literally years ago with NG as the intended destination. It's a short 3-part series and it might be too abstract for a lot of people here and it's really not intended as humorous (and I'm not trolling this time either) so I dunno how it'll go over, but that's half the fun. I'll just leave it at that for now because otherwise I'm just RUNNING MY DAMN FOOL MOUTH OFF... and I really do believe more in talking about something AFTER you've finished it than trying to show off shit that isn't done. SO HERE'S A SHOT OF SOME SEXY EYES and hopefully I'll have the first installment ready to go this month. AAAIIIIIGGTTTHTHHHHTTthhbppttptptp

kbai <3


Teal deer.


Ani-comic WAS cool! O_O


Man, I'm exactly like you. Every time I start a project I always end up over-complicating everything. Also, me being perfectionist makes things worst. But take you time and finish your submission without that horrible deadline pressure. btw, that ani-comic style looks awesome, good luck with that. :)

Thanks man! And yeah, totally.
Also that comic is great because Ashley Wood is SO LEGIT, I also have always really liked the way he draws his SFX. It's crazy though hey because like, in animation, we're always concerned with keeping things from looking static and putting the drawings into motion... with an ani-comic it's more about making the still drawings sort of speak for themselves. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Reading your thought diarrhea reminds me how wasted I got at Pico day and how much joy I got out of telling drunk red minus stories about the 24hrc and you passing out and not finishing your pieces on time but how it was okay because you're so sexy and your parts were always good The end


I'm so glad it's not just me who has that problem. I *just barely* got my 3 min Pico toon scene in in time, but when I was planning, I was like "lol yeah, I can make a 7 min animation, no prob". I felt like a massive idiot v_v

So cool to hear you're still working on it tho, man! I was about to ping you to find out about it. Your style for a visual comic is gonna kick aaaass. I always loves the MGS ones. Wish they were just out on DVD or something instead of needing a psp

Yeah I hear you, every time I do anything lately I definitely learn a bit more about how much longer things take than I initially think. I originally thought i'd finish Wilhelm Park in 3 weeks, WTF? Your Pico Flash was great though, and at least you were lucky enough to be able to end it at a reasonable point, and in a way that made sense. THE MOAR U KNO though, hey? I was pretty impressed at how fast you got Nerds Can Never Love finished though too, to be honest. FAST.

AND YEAH JEEZ yeah I dunno, I was kind of going for a really simplified drawing style in the hopes that it would streamline things but IT TOTALLY DIDN'T, and now I have these weird simple characters. I spent like an entire day drawing a house = totally not an efficient use of time when on a tight schedule knowm sayin?

While it sucks that you couldnt include your Pico themed anim in the other Pico Day submissions, its better to do something and be proud of it then submit something that you'd regret having put your name on, y'know? In any case, always looking forward to your work, and a GOOD animated comic is always welcome, there are so few out there. I was really disappointed with the one they did for Dead Space 2, it was absolutely dreadful.

Yeah I agree, I think it's important to represent yourself well and do a good job rather than rushing something that does nobody any justice....

I took a look at the DS2 one on youtube a little bit and yeah it just seems kind of bunk, slow and uninspiring. I think they really shouldve had the word bubbles at least, it seems like less of an animated comic and more of a shitty animatic. What was it about it that struck you as bad, in particular? LOOKING OUT FOR PITFALLS, HERE :0

There was a series on NG called Faux, I guess the guy did 3 episodes but then never came back for a 4th. It was pretty interesing as a starting point i thought, but I saw room for improvement in areas. I'd always thought about doing something similar but I CAN. NOT. RESTRAIN MYSELF from gabbing the mouths to the dialogue. I think that's the part that I have the most trouble with and ALSO a big part of what was wrong with the DS2 "comic". Ehhhhhhh

Bawww you're not going to do TOFA? :( Now there's not as much pressure to make my enteries as good as possible.

BAWWWWW maybe I'm just saying that to get your guard down?!? Haha but really though you should always look for the pressure to do your best WITHIN YOURSELFFFFFF (?!?!?!) or something preachy